Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spring won't be here soon enough......

I really can't even dream about spring at this point.  It is the time of the year where I don't think it will be worth it to even try to garden anymore.  Everything is just under a white blanket and the work seems endless to try to maintain it all.

I know that by the middle of March my attitude will improve but the winter does get to be too long.  I substitute teach again today in the Special Education Room.  It is always a challenge as their is no routine in that kind of room.  Each student has needs and each one needs to be meant.   I really like being in there but I am so exhausted by the end of the day.  It is a workshop day so I will get out an hour early.

My blogging is still fun but I find my time to be limited.  I almost didn't blog today but I cranked out one more, one more time.  I am seeing bloggers starting to come alive again and are back at their computers.  I am glad to see revival in blogland.   I know that time is precious and sometimes it just has to be the thing you cut.   I hope all are well and that you are looking forward to spring.

Thanks for stopping in for a read............take care.


  1. Our snow is melting and I am finally allowing myself to think about Spring. I even made my planting list today. The worst part of winter is behind us. It won't be much longer before you can start working outside with your flowers.

  2. I imagine the winters get very long when the snow is around for so long. It's been very wet and windy here and now it's supposed to get cold again with a chance of snow. I'm looking forward to real spring weather. Pretty magazine, I'll have to look for that one.

  3. Sounds like that's quite draining work, Larry.
    I am just having a quick spell blogging while my daughter practises her violin in the kitchen. It has the best acoustic. But then I need to wash up from tea (which is what we call our evening meal) and get to bed. No great stamina for blogging tonight!
