Monday, February 28, 2011

Waiting for spring.........

As I am awaiting my next group of students to come into the classroom I am distracted with the past.  The memories of going places that were warm, or growing tomatoes in the hot sun.  Barney is waiting for spring too as he watches the neighbors clearing their driveway of snow.

He has already had a partial bath from a spring thaw we had a few weeks ago.  I had to turn the garden hose spigot on in the basement so that I could get the garden hose to work outside. He had lain down in the mud, he had mud caked between his toes and he had some of it on his face.  He likes to get dirty but feels great guilt we he walks into the kitchen.  Then when I escort him back out the door patiently he knows.  He just knows that he will not get a dry cleaning.  He is such a nice dog and I will be waiting for spring and more clean ups of Barney.

Thanks for stopping by............


  1. Barney is so cute. Like the rest of us, I am sure he is ready for Spring and all the joy of being outdoors. I can almost smell the tomatoes in your photo.

  2. Oh these are wonderful images! I look at the lanterns in the tree and then out my window! Not even close, haha! We are in the throes of an ice storm after snow yesterday. Spring cannot come soon enough!
    Reading about Barney just reminded me that before Spring comes mud season...YIKES! I think I'll have Lucy shaved, haha!
    ☼ Sunny

  3. I am dealing with muddy dog syndrome too. Mine doesn't feel guilty at all when he bolts through the door and tracks mud everywhere. I can't wait for the warmth of Spring either.

  4. Poor Barney! But he knows and that is half the battle. ha

  5. Those tomatoes look good..poor Barney..muddy..maybe he needs a pool to clean himself off...the other day I saw a video of a Border Collie that plopped himself in one of those huge horse water was really cute...when Chances pool wears out I am getting him a big red bucket! :)

  6. It looks like Barney has picked a good spot there.
    I am looking forward to the better weather, and the need to use less towels to dry off muddy wet paws around here will be good too. :)
