Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Last year's paperwhites..........

I found these on a sale last winter and grew them on my windowsill.  They smelled somewhat bad.  I planted them into the ground late spring so I am anxious to see if they will transfer well to their natural environment. It will be a few months before they will sprout here in Iowa.

Yellow Kitty is seen here last summer holding her own on the porch, warming up in the sun.  She gets the royal treatment as she gets carried up stairs to the bathroom every morning and she has her own viewing window. We have lost track as to how old she is but we know it is beyond 13 years old. When we didn't have Barnabas, she was allowed to roam the house, but that isn't possible now. I have seen Barney kill snakes, but otherwise he just loves to chase and nuzzle furry animals. Chase is the key word for him.

 Once in a while the basement door becomes ajar and she will sneak up stairs without the dog noticing her.  The basement is her bedroom at night and she loves to roam around down there. She will be glad when summer arrives as she will again be queen of the porch in the daytime.

I am a businees teacher today teaching finance, powerpoint presentations, accounting and babysitting middle school study hall.  Have a good day and thanks for stopping by........


  1. A teacher of so many things..and middle school..that is such an age:)
    You are a busy guy! Is is Spring there yet? :)

  2. A good teacher can teach anything Larry, and I am sure you are a good teacher.

  3. lovely picture...can't wait for our daffodils to come up here either!!!
