Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blogger flight.......

This was posted in the English room in which I was substitute teaching.  I have always enjoyed seeing it up through the past years when I was working full time.

Rather than just to stop blogging and having people worry, I am going to tell you that I am off the air for a short time.  I don't know when I will be returning but I will definitely return.   I have some things that need to be tended to and some time to work out the everyday details of life.  Nothing for anyone to be concerned about, it is just a short break. 

I will be checking in on you a little as I can't go cold turkey.  I will swoop in once in a while and post a comment just to let you know that I am still here.  Take care and I will see you when I see you.


  1. Take care of yourself Larry..I will be here when you get back:)

  2. You will be missed and I look forward to your return after a break. May God bless.

  3. As I have said elsewhere - don't be gone long my friend.

  4. Larry, while I will miss visiting your blog, I can certainly understand the need to just "get away" from things for awhile. Hopefully, this will be a good thing and give you time to regroup. And while you won't be actively blogging, please do feel free to check in and comment on our blog as time allows. Be well and take good casre of yourself and those you love, my friend!

  5. I'll miss your daily messages - take care.

  6. Take care of your business Larry, we'll be here waiting fer ya ;)

  7. Will look forward to hearing from you. You're right to cut out the non-essentials and concentrate on what you have to do.

  8. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, ya know? Wishing you all the best, Larry!
