Monday, March 28, 2011

Ready for showing........

It is still pretty gray outside so this bright addition to our window really does put out some warmth.  My camera just doesn't want to pick up intense color.  I have the same problem with the violet.  I end up with a special effects view which is intense but still wonderful.

I am back in the classroom today doing American Lit. and British Lit.  We will have a few speeches given also during the day.

Thanks for stopping by..............


  1. Still busy, Larry! What are you covering for British Lit?

    Gorgeous bloom, even if you aren't happy with the way the colour has come out.

  2. Well, actually they are in the middle of reading Frankenstien. They are right now very quiet and are reading intently, or they act like they are. It is so nice a quiet for me to blog.

  3. That's really a splash of color on a dreary day. Hope you had a nice day teaching.

  4. Beautiful bloom! I bet the speeches are interesting to listen to..what fun! :)

  5. Hi, Larry!

    I'm new to your blog, and have to say that I really enjoy all the pictures you post. Even though you said your camera wasn't able to pick up all the intense colors, that orange flower was bursting with plenty of color for my eyes. Thanks for posting it!
