Monday, March 21, 2011

A photographic study in browns........

This has been the color of the season since the snow went away and it actually warmed up.  Can you see the creeping Charlie in the foreground?

This is an old birdbath, I think.  I don't know for sure but I am going to call it that.  It is cast iron and heavy and I need to find a dish to fit on the top of it. I suppose it could have been something that they worked with in repairing tires in the old days, but I am still going to make it into a birdbath.

Saturday evening I looked around while out walking the dog and saw the beginnings of these tulips and daffodils.   I can't believe how fast they came up.  They reminded me of the amaryllis in the house, they were growing by the hour.

We had a light rain Saturday night into Sunday and the air warmed up to almost 67 degrees today and they just keep popping.  I had forgotten that they come up before the peonies.  We have cold weather in the forecast for Friday.  I hope that these can stay ahead of that kind of cold.

Thanks for stopping by.........


  1. Hi Larry, That will make a great bird bath. I'll be looking forward to seeing you find a dish to fit. Wonderful to see the plants pushing thru the soil in your part of the world. We are forecast to have a warm week. Hope you enjoy your week.

  2. My daffodils are starting to poke their little heads up. It finally feels like Spring. Your birdbath is interesting. I hope you post a picture of it when you find a dish for it.

  3. I love the birdbath stand, you could probably find a beautiful bowl at your local Goodwill or thrift store, thay have lots of silver, people can't be bothered cleaning it any longer.
    Look at those plants pushing towards the sky, and yes growing by the minute ;)

  4. Larry, whatever that stand went to before, it would make an unusual bird bath and one that wouldn't blow over easily!

  5. That will make a great birdbath..I am sure you must have something just hanging around there that would work.
    Your tulips are going to be lovely..I can hardly wait. I hope you are escaping the bad weather today ( Tuesday) in Iowa:)
