Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yesterday's tally..........

It was a slow day for the creative one.  I have been busy doing mundane, not so creative, things.  I cleaned up my art space in the studio first thing yesterday morning.  I decided that if I didn't have to sub that I would get my drawing and painting table ready to go for me becoming an artist again.  The last time I painted in the studio was when we created the mural for the city last summer. 

I have declared that I will paint at least one day per week on something for the upcoming art show. I was going to make it two days but I thought I would be disappointed if I didn't make the goal. I have a lot of framing to do and the sub work probably will pick up again later in the week.

The painting above is one that I found while cleaning up my art space.  It is done in oil pastel and I haven't a clue when I created it.  I will post it on my art blog and will probably mat it for the art show.  It is a Minnesota scene that I have done many times up by Silver Bay.  So the cleaning made me feel good to get that accomplished and finding the art piece is a bonus.

Work on framing yesterday included staining four 16 inch square frames, attaching stretched quilt pieces to their previously cut mats, and cutting glass for the frames that I had stained. 

The finish wasn't dry yet so I will assemble the final products today.  I need to cut five more frames for this one customer and then I have four wildlife prints to frame for a customer from Minnesota. His sister brought them in and said that I was to pick out everything for the frame jobs.  I like those jobs as I pick the mat colors and frame colors and I use mat color that I have in stock rather than go buy new ones.

My last photo is an example as to how blogging can make you do dumb stuff.  I liked the pattern and color of the loaf of bread so I just snapped it.  Della usually makes bread but when she is busy painting to meet dead lines we just pick up a loaf of the soft gooey stuff. 

We didn't get warm today as was predicted but we still are not in too bad of shape weather wise.  I guess Friday is going to be winter weather again but we know that will happen.  It will stop being warm and cold when it gets to be so very hot that we can't stand it, then we know we don't have to worry about snow.

Thanks for dropping by.................


  1. Beautiful art work, Larry. I hope you'll share the finished frame jobs you are working on. Hope you enjoy your day!

  2. Nice painting, very pretty. Love those dark colors infront of the light day.
    It is good to be realistic with goals, or we get frustrated. Better to focus on one day per week and if you get two in because you want to, that is just fine. Mom has to pace herself with her projects or she gets overwhelmed and can't start.

    bonks for a happy day.
    Do not leave that bread out at our house, Miles will steal the whole loaf!!

  3. What a pretty painting. It looks like it could be a painting of somewhere in the Puget Sound area.
    Sounds like you are busy doing lots of framing. Hope you get some more time to work on your art. We are finally having some better weather here, low 50's and no rain for a change.

  4. I hope you snap some photos of the quilt squares that are framed..no grass grows under your feet:)
