Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday's tidbits.......

A posting of a cardinal hiding in the bush.  The snow is gone now off of the bushes and we have only a few small piles of snow left.  It actually warmed up today.

I haven't sold the house yet in Osceola but in a few months the flowers that will be blooming all over the property should help in the sale.  These are daffodils I planted down there years ago and they just keep multiplying.  I did bring some of the home a year ago and they now grow in my garden.

Our actual first bloomer here in Iowa will be this wild violet.  I see a few sprouts here and there but we have a ways to go to get green really showing up around here. I am definitely looking forward to the beginning of spring blooms.

I have been under the weather again  from bugs that I pick up from school. Each one does different things to me to threaten my life.  I had the flu shot but I guess the three or four kinds of vaccine didn't bother to check out to see what the kids were going to be carrying.  The negative side of teaching is picking up every virus and germ that walks on the face of the earth.  I did get out and visit the post office this afternoon and bought a few groceries so I am not dead yet. I even decided I could blog today even though in the middle of the night I figured it would be my last.   One feels so much worse in the night when it is dark and cold.

Thanks for stopping by and putting up with the whine from L.D.  Spring is coming!!!!!!!!


  1. Cardinals on snowy branches...perfect!
    Sorry you've been under the weather, hope you're all better soon!
    It will be lovely when the flowers are blooming and all the snow is gone and it stays light until after dinner. I can't wait!
    ☼ Sunny

  2. So sorry you are under the weather. My sis in Indiana picks up every bug from the school kids too. She subs special needs (elem.) school. I am ready for Spring too. We are expecting rain this weekend. I agree that your parents' home will show better in the Spring. The market seems to be picking up here in GA. We have been very pleased with the new house/neighbors. We both have had an allergic reaction to the paint and have terribly sore throats but I guess we will live!
    Hope you and Della have a nice weekend - feel better soon.

  3. Wonderful cardinal and snow, I love this pic.

    very surprising bulb flowers
    and beautiful colors

  4. Poor you! Those must be virulent bugs.
    But if you can just hang on it does seem as if spring is round the corner.

  5. Get better soon, Larry....and I am so jealous of your early spring...we still have snow and cold here!

  6. Germy they pay extra for hazardous duty? I hope you feel better soon..I would miss you if you take some vitamins and have some soup and feel better:)
