Friday, March 4, 2011

Things to do.......

I need to build a miter saw stand for this saw.   I have made it one of my next goals of things to do.  I like using the saw but it's use will be more efficient if it has a support system for wood that extends three to four feet out on both sides.  Norm on This Old House made one of these stands, but I don't own the four or five other tools that he uses to create this marvelous piece.

As you can see it is a complicated work.  I may just use it as an inspiration and create my own plan based on the wood that I already have in the shed.  It will  be interesting to see my interpretation of it.

As I again am subbing today at school,  I won't be working on this so soon.  It would be nice if I could get outside on the patio to build this, so I will need to wait a couple of weeks.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. My husband built his chop saw into an existing counter top in his garage. He uses a set of saw horse newfangled thingys that are adjustable on the one end to help hold the longer lumber in place so he can cut seems to work fine for him. Often he must clear off his counter top to cut something..but that can be a good thing! It looks like a fine spring project! Got spring yet? :)

  2. That color of that African Violet is really dramatic. You have inspired me to start growing them again. Hopefully I will have better success this time. Good luck with the saw stand project.

  3. The things to do list seems endless, at least at our house! That's a fancy stand for the saw, my husband has one that is metal and folds so he can take it to job sites. Good luck, it looks like a great project!
    That Violet is so vibrant...really beautiful.
    ☼ Sunny
    P.S. Thanks for visiting B & B Photo and your kind comments, I hope this will be a good year.

  4. You need to talk to my husband. He loves woodworking and tools - or should that be the other way round?
    It will be interesting to see if you get any woodworking ladies commenting - so far we've talked about our husbands!

  5. Larry, we all have a "to do" list of projects it seems, but somehow other ones keep getting in the way, like your subbing. I do hope you are feeling better from the "bug" you picked up at school. Neither Grenville or I got a flu shot this year and we have been healthier than the friends who did - go figure. Enjoy your weekend, the flower blooms are coming...soon.
