Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday's showing........

It has been a busy weekend and I am posting this plant way too much on two of my blogs, but I  guess it's better this than nothing. Our chill in the air and frequent show showers has disillusioned me about any future of spring every being here.  I had green grass blades showing sticking up through our last snow which was on the south side of the house.  It is warmer there so there is some green in sight.

This is a second view of one of my two agapanthus plants that sit in the basement ready to be brought outside for the summer.  This is the first year that they stayed green continually all winter while sitting down there.

My brother who lives in Mesa, Arizona, is busy planting tomato plants and has a dozen gallon plants of various kinds to plant into the ground in his backyard.  He has to enrich his sandy soil with lots of commercial soil and mulch in order to have success growing things.  I did see he had radishes and such in his one garden.

Oh well, I just went for one of his photos to show you what is going on in the gardens of Mesa, Arizona.

Thanks for stopping by...................


  1. I enjoy seeing your amaryllis and agapanthus plants. John would enjoy fresh radishes from the garden; he loves them sliced up thin on a tossed salad. Hope you warm up soon. Have a good week.

  2. Hang in there L.D. Pretty soon you'll be out playing in your gardens and working on outdoor projects.


  3. Larry, spring will come - sooner or later. It arrived here (or so we thought) a week or so ago, and then we woke up to snow this morning on the VA eastern shore. It totalled about 1/2-inch and was gone by noon but sure looked like winter coming down fast and furious covering all the daffodils which had bloomed. I checked out some previous posts also and the quilt frames are very nicely done.

  4. Love seeing your amaryllis buds. I was given an amaryllis for Christmas. It grows in a pot on my kitchen window sill. The plant bloomed once and now has put forth new leaves and will bloom for a second time, I hope.

  5. Your amaryllis is going to make a grand show..great photos! :)

  6. I love the amaryllis buds! And you've certainly been busy as I can see by wandering around this blog and your painting one.
