Saturday, March 5, 2011

Water the violets once a week........

The grow light causes them to have very green leaves.  Once they start to bloom under the light, I move them into the big dining room window. I know they don't like to be moved, but I want to see them bloom.

Last night a truck ran into a major power pole near here.  It happened around 4:45 and five and a half hours later the power was finally restored.  We camped out in the living room with a glass lantern and a couple of flash lights.  Amazingly only the east half of town was affected by the power failure.  One could see the left side of main street was fully lighted and the right side of main street was playing black out zone.

We became very cold and piled on afghans to keep warm while we waited.  My wife and I both were reminded of people we visited when we were young who had the sound of a ticking clock in the house and no other sounds.  No tv, no radio, no furnace fans, nothing that makes all the noises we hear today.  It was somewhat peaceful until the fifth hour hit and I wondered if we would never feel heat again and we were hitting below 60 degrees.

Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. Your Violets are delightful.
    Power outages in the winter are no fun at all! We were out for 7 days when we had the huge ice storm a couple of years ago. Thank goodness for wood stoves and gas cooktops!
    Keep warm.
    ☼ Sunny

  2. Beautiful violets, Larry! Makes me long for the4 color of flowers in my yard again.

    Oh yeah.....bummer when the electric goes out! Makes you appreciate what we have, eh? I always think about what it would be to live back in the days when there was no electric.
    No heat....yikes! If you don't have a wood burning stove and you do has a gas could simmer water to warm the house.

  3. Hi Larry, Your violets are could be a violet grower:)
    It is unreal how quiet the house can get when your power is off ..and dark too..I got a couple of battery operated reading lights for Christmas! That makes the time go faster..sometimes we just lay in the dark and quiet.. talking and listening for noises:)

  4. It is so amazing how quick it gets cold inside when we lose makes me really think of those that can't afford heat and live cold like that most of the winter, or of our ancestors who had to huddle around a woodstove to keep warm all winter with little or no insulation in the outer walls of their houses.
