Sunday, April 24, 2011

A day to remember about New Life.........

Easter Blessings to you,


  1. Pictures are gorgeous & Glorious Easter to you as well.

  2. Hi Larry, you are so right about today and this past Friday was not only Good Friday, but Earth Day as well so it's the time for new beginnings all the way around. I was out of state for a week and then catching up at home last week, so soon hope to catch up on blog reading. Happy Easter to you too.

  3. Pretty pictures, Larry. In the first photo, is that Autumn Joy sedum? I suggested that my friend plant these in a hot, sunny flower bed she has. Wouldn't you know, we must have gone to 7 or 8 nurseries before we found some for sale!!!!!

  4. Very nice photos. So wonderful to see nature ALIVE with color again!
