Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bulbs of spring......

Through the years I planted these for my parents to enjoy.  They really liked having them but really didn't think it convenient to plant them in the fall.  As the years went by, they were a clever surprise each spring for my mom to see as her mind wouldn't remember them being there until they sprouted and bloomed.

It was a bad experience for us in the showing of the house today.  It takes all kinds in the world but I am glad I am not that kind.  There will be more showing and better experiences I am sure.

My first cousin Sharon and her husband Don survived the tornadoes that hit St. Louis.  Their home is fine and Don was working at that airport when it hit.  He is fine as we were all frightened for him.

Take care and have a great Easter weekend.  Thanks for stopping by......

In you hearts and prayers please remember a former teacher friend of mine. He is Scott Chapman. He just became a father for the second time a few months ago and now he is beginning chemo,  headed for a bone marrow transplant.  The procedures are so risky and he is so young and I care so much that things go well for him.


  1. I hate for spring to leave us. You have beautiful color. Everything just looks so fresh.I enjoy the pictures so much. Gives me inspiration.

  2. Sorry to hear about your trying experience with the house viewing. It must be very exposing, emotionally, to be having people look round the house.
    Footage of St Louis airport when the tornado struck have been showing on the news here all day. It must have been terrifying.

    I have a school friend undergoing chemo just now. I will think of your friend when I think about her.

  3. You have had an emotional weekend..I am sorry to hear about your seems like so many people are fighting cancer nowadays.
    I am sorry the house showing didn't go well..maybe next time. Happy Easter to you and Della:)

  4. Are you trying to sell your house, or your parents? It's NEVER fun to have people looking through your house as they consider buying it because while you have made wonderful memories in every room, they just see it as walls, carpeting, paint, appliances, etc. I sure hope your upcoming showings go a lot smoother.

    I'll be happy to keep your teacher friend in my prayers, Larry. :-)

    Love the splash of color from the flowers too! You and Della hang in there, okay?
