Thursday, April 14, 2011

I will rake another day.........

I should be out there raking the leaves and picking up sticks but my blogger friends demand to see the blooms of the season. So taking pictures is all that I can get done. Tomorrow maybe I can rake.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. I think it is supposed to rain tomorrow, maybe a little snow - so you are safe for one more day!

  2. Pretty! Glad you took the photos. Raking can happen anytime.

  3. I agree with Rae, raking can wait but we all enjoy pictures of your pretty Spring blooms! Those pink flowers are so delicate.

  4. The 52 mile an hour wind may just blow the leaves to the neighbors. I just hope a whole tree doesn't blown down. It is a horrible wind and just doesn't stop.

  5. Yes we demand the flowers first..and raking later! It looks like spring is spitting snow today and it is cold:(

  6. I'm glad you listened to your friends and took the time to take/post photos of your spring blossoms. They're beautiful!

    The plants in my flower garden are only green yet--no blooms. With the way our temperatures keep going up and down, I don't blame them for staying in hiding. I would too!

    Don't feel bad about the raking, Larry. We have a lot of that to do also. It will all get done in time. We've had really strong winds in Michigan too this week and like you, we're thinking (hoping?) that all our leaves will blow over to our neighbors' houses. LOLOL
