Friday, April 15, 2011

What is it ????

The buds of this shrub looked like a magnolia.  It was planted in front of the school where I work.  As I walked by it today, a student had snapped off one of the blooms then threw it down on the ground.  I brought it inside to revive it.

The common magnolia that we have in central Iowa does not look like this but it may be just another variety. I am willing to hear suggestions of identification of the bloom.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Perhaps this is a wild magnolia. I love the way the petals look like strips of torn paper. Did it have a wonderful fragrance?

  2. That is a pretty bloom, very artsy too. It does look like some type of magnolia, but what do I know living down here where the tropics begin.


  3. It does look like some sort of Magnolia variety. It is an interesting bloom. I hope you find out what it is.

  4. I have no clue..I hope you find out..go take some more photos of the entire tree before they are blown away:(

  5. Sorry I can't be of any help. I've never seen this type of flower before. I love how it looks like a bow on a present though! :-)

  6. Larry, I think I might know what that bloom is. It looks like one I saw on someone's blog today - a sugar magnolia. Here is the link and you can see for yourself.

  7. It looks like a magnolia stellata. I have one in my garden, and there are various types of 'stars'. Have a look at

  8. So glad it is now identified..I wonder if it would root from the new know the early spring growth?? :)
