Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday stuff....

Wet and cold is all that we can seem to have for weather these days.  The wind has changed from the east and is now from the north so it will be 36 degrees F. tonight.

My wife and I finished our second composite group of 2009 seniors.  We have it down to a science to create this display of single senior graduates with their names below.  Scanning and using photoshop to get them ready. Adding the names, printing and then cutting each one out for the composite.

Last years class is done and now the year before that is done.  We have one more to do which is this years graduating class. We haven't received the digital photos of the class yet so we can't start on it yet. The school was glad we could catch them up on their obligation to the public to display graduating class photos.

I bought soil today to use to transfer my tomato plants into larger growing containers.  They did so well with the grow light and now they need more room for their roots.  I will post before and after on another day.

Thanks for stopping by.............until tomorrow.


  1. Around blogland today, I am amazed at the cool temps, snow and wind across the country! John cannot wait to go to his favorite greenhouse (an elderly couple who grow the plants at their home) to purchase his veg. plants. I will be sure and share your tomato plant photos with him. You and Della are doing a great job with the senior photos.

  2. I agree. You and your wife are doing an excellent job on the senior photos. It's nice that you can do that for the school.

    By the way, this is Tom, Debbie Lo's husband. I'm fairly new to the blog world, and I asked her for some suggestions of nice blogs to visit, and she sent me to your blog. Your photos are very nice.

    I hope it's ok that I've become a follower of your blog, and I welcome you to check out my blog and follow it also if you'd like.

    We plant a good-sized garden behind our deck each year, but we always have to wait until Memorial Weekend because any sooner than that, and the frost would kill our newly planted plants. Please summer, come soon! Have a nice weekend, Larry.

  3. Poor you, Larry, you're having such a slow Spring.
    I'm intrigued by the photos. Does every school have to publish its photos of its final year students? Is this a law or a custom?

  4. In Iowa schools it is a tradition from the beginning of time to hang composites of the graduates in the hallways. Our new administration was trying to forget it as it didn't want to hang more framed photos. They sort of were scolded and so we are doing three years worth now. So they bought a flip chart type thing and they will now be put into a sleeve for viewing. It will hold 20 years worth and then they will have to buy another one.

  5. I posted about our garden in the summer and having to wait until memorial day to plant it, well case in point, we are expecting 2-4 inches of snow tonight.

  6. I think photos are important in schools because they serve as a visual record of student history. Our church has existed for 56 years, and it has a framed 8 x 10 photo of every confirmation class since 1955 on one hallway wall. When 1 row gets full, we just add another long, thin board to the wall and continue to add photos. Our church calls the wall its "Wall of Fame," and people who aren't even members there anymore stop by all the time just to see themselves, their siblings, friends, our first pastor, etc. on that wall. It's pretty neat. They come back because they know those photos will always be up there. It's part of our church's history.

    Anyway, I think it's great that you and Della are working so hard to get those senior photos up to date. You guys are awesome. :-)
