Friday, April 15, 2011

Daffs are doing great........

I like the orange center of this daffodil.  It is a very small flower standing strong against the wind and the rain.

I transplanted this clump from my parents home.  It has done very well for just being planted last summer.

Thanks for stopping by................


  1. With winds upwards of 50 mph, these flowers would have to be strong so that they don't get blown away! It always amazes me how things so delicate can be so strong.

    I like the orange middle of the yellow daffodil too, Larry. Very nice photos.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Very pretty daffodils and I know the ones from your parents' yard give you a lot of joy. We have had high winds and heavy rain all evening. Hope you and Della have a nice Saturday, Larry.

  3. Your daffs are very pretty and spring looking.


  4. have these already? Mine are only 1 inch poking up from the ground, and as of today, buried under 5 inches of new snow. Sigh!!
