Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring promises.........with evidence.

Wild violets don't seem to care about the cold as they have started to bloom.  The rains have encouraged them and the longer days of daylight help bring them out.

I was cold and shaking when I snapped these so the focus isn't so great on this one.  I would love to enjoy these plants when there is warmer weather.

The old peony bed is responding to the rain and the cold isn't bothering them either.  This is a showy garden once the foliage fills in and then the peony blooms pop out.
Thanks for stopping by..............


  1. You are so lucky to have wildflowers and spring flowers blooming already!

  2. I love the warmer weather to get out and stroll through the yard to see what is coming up. Saturday here was so windy, I did not go outside at all. I can't wait to see your peonies. They are beautiful blooms!

  3. Beautiful little violet..I am anxious to see mine bloom too:)

  4. Looks like a good start to the garden. Our flowers have started to come up, but then it snowed. Not to much damage and they seemed to bounce back.

  5. At least you can see the ground. We are at the end of a day of full white cover aka snow which halts my garden cleanup. I am passing a blog award for Versatile onto you, if interested pick it up from my blog and pass along. I am not sure if these awards resemble pyramids or chain letters but trying it this once.

  6. I agree with Joan! You definitely are lucky to have flowers blooming already. I had no idea that violets are so hardy! My fav picture is of the purple violet. I just love that color.
