Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fernleaf peony......

With all the cold temperatures and the wind and the rain, the fernleaf keeps growing.  It is a very early bloomer so I am not surprised to see the flower buds already developed.  I have three different stands of these plus a fourth start in the backyard.

I am hoping that the one in the backyard is a start from the neighbor across the street.  I asked too late to get a start of it, as it was his mother in law's plant, he had moved it out a few days before I asked.  So he gave me a root that was laying on the ground.  I don't remember the details but I am just going to watch it.  It was a multi-petaled bloomer while mine just have single blooms.

In just one day the transplants were standing tall.  I buried a lot of the roots into the soil and I may still add more soil around them.  I am just glad they are thriving.  For a person who was planning on planting just six plants, I will have to find some neighbors to give some of these to for planting.

Thanks for stopping by......


  1. The fernleaf peony is going to be a beauty, Larry. Best wishes with the start you have in the back yard. Your seedlings are doing very well.
    One blogger lovingly teased that John's raised garden bed looks like a sand box! He had enough space to plant 3 tomato plants, 3 pepper plants, and a cucumber plant.
    Like you, he is eagerly watching for growth.
    Hope you have an enjoyable day.

  2. The Fern leaf peony looks wonderful..I checked mine the other day..nothing yet. Your Tomatoes are standing up!:)

  3. This is the first I've seen of a Fernleaf Peony, but it's really beautiful. So glad your plants are thriving, Larry, especially with all the cold, wind and snow we had last week!
