Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bloom time..........

A small old fashion iris that came from a start from an old cemetery.  They bloom earlier than the hybrids and have very delicate markings and color.

My rider mower took a chunk off of this weigela.  I have never owned a riding mower before so I have to bone up on my skills.  I have put the broken back branch into it's original position hoping it will heal back together.

Have a good Sunday and thanks for stopping by............


  1. Good Morning Larry. That iris is a real treasure. I miss our weigela at the old place. We learned (by accident) that (at least here in GA) that you can put cuttings of the weigela directly in the dirt and they will root.
    Hoping you and Della enjoy this beautiful Sunday.

  2. All of a sudden your Spring has taken off! That's a gorgeous iris. The sort that garden nurseries add to their collections and name after the person who discovered it.

  3. So so pretty. Those irises take my breath away. Here, our tulips are just now blooming along with daffodils. We are several weeks behind your area of the country.

  4. Oh my! You put the branch back and are hoping it will heal? LOL Love it! Your blooming flower photos are really lovely, Larry. :-)
