Saturday, May 21, 2011

Faces, a Collage of Friends.........

Faces, a Collage of Friends   by John Hodges

One of my former art students who is now graduating from school has become a stencil artist.  He takes a picture and allows a program to divide photos into three values.  When he project each one of the values separately on stencil paper he can trace out the three values of the photo. 

Once the stencils have been cut out, he can then spray paint the three stencils onto a paint surface with light to dark color values, or in this case black, gray and light gray. The photos are of a lot of his close senior friends and the display has been put up to be on exhibit for the graduation ceremonies this Saturday night. 

The grouping won a Best of Show at a local contest.  I can't take credit for the skills and talent he already had but I did get him started during his freshmen year in school.  He has won a prestigious award that is giving him a full ride at a design school in Canada.

Click on the photo to get a clearer look of the work.

The picture below the grouping was awaiting to be hung.  It reminded me of a Norman Rockwell moment as the painting had the girl looking up at the others.

I am proud of this young man and wish him the best.  I am glad his creative talent was not discouraged and that he is pursuing a career in art.

Thanks for stopping by the creative zone..........


  1. I did click to enlarge and this is very nice! Congratulations to this talented young man. He was very fortunate to have you as a mentor.

  2. Way to go~! This must make you so is wonderful to have a student that is so talented! :)

  3. when i taught art i had a student who passed her AP Art exam and gained college credit. it's a good feeling to know you helped someone move successfully to a new level. good memories.
