Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Garden activity.......

I started my pump system for my tank today.  The fish can be put in tomorrow after the water has been oxygenated for a day.  I am getting a lot of weeding done but it will take me another week to really have it all done.  I only weed a half hour a day and eventually I get it done.

These iris are more brown than red but my camera doesn't think so. Here are red iris against my blue gate.  I won't call the camera a liar but......it is a fibber.

My neighbor's white clematis was out the other day while I was over there dog sitting.  It was a very healthy plant and the blooms are large.

Thanks for stopping by............I am slowly catching up on my blog reading.  Everyone have a good week.


  1. Your winter lasted longer than most of us and I am glad to see you are finally enjoying your beautiful yard, Larry. The iris look very nice with that blue gate. I also love the detail of the white clematis. That's a great idea to limit your weeding time. It's easy to get "lost" in it and then end up too sore to straighten up!

  2. Your flowers take my breath away. I can imagine it would be easy to get lost in them in person. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Love the blue gate! And the white clematis is just beautiful. Can't wait to see the fish swimming in your pool!
