Wednesday, June 1, 2011

More garden stuff........

It is best to keep the sun off my face with our hot sunny summers. I have had to see a skin specialist in the past twice for not wearing a hat.  I do think that I might start looking for a new straw hat, but it still does serve it's purpose.

The flag iris were able to get it's blooming started before we hit severe heat.  The rain and the wind took out a lot of my iris overnight.  Others are tough and can handle the weather.

This is a close shot of my barberry bush. It really is a showing specimen with all the rain that we have received.

The middle of the week is here already and I have many different things to do.  I haven't made a list but I probably should.  It is to keep warming up through the week and I need to by some framing materials and more mat board. I have fish to be moved to the outside pool and birdcages to take outside and clean.  It can be a major task but the birds like to go outside and I can take an industrial vacuum to the cage floors and really get them cleaned up.

Thanks for stopping by........................


  1. Your hat looks just like John's. His is worn in the same spot!

    I love the deep blue of the flag iris and the barberry is very nice too.

    We are having to get out very early a.m. to water the new shrubbery. It gets so hot so fast these days.

    Hope you have a good rest of the week.

  2. At least you still have a brim on your straw hat, so that he;ps in taking the sun away from your face.
    What a gorgeous Iris, I love the color....sadly ours are long since gone.
    We planted Barberry bushes today, they are the Concorde barberry and so lush looking, just like yours !

  3. I think your straw hat is wonderful just the way it is because it tells a story. My straw hat is looking pretty shabby these days too, but like you said, it still does the job of keeping the hot sun off my head/face.

    Love the flag iris' color!

    You own birds? We do too--a cockatiel and a parakeet. What types of birds do you have?
