Thursday, May 5, 2011

Leafing out and blooming.....

The chokecherry tree is blooming profusely.  It's smell is like a mild mock orange bush's fragrance.  The mystery of this tree is that I think it has been bred to bloom but not to produce fruit.  My neighbor lady gets really frustrated with it as she wants the fruit.

I mowed the lawn yesterday with my push mower as the rider had a low tire.  It was so cold though that I had to wear my stocking cap to keep the wind chill from freezing me and making me ill.  The backyard is really coming to life now and it always amazes me how flat and brown it was out here just a month ago.

I am babysitting for a half day in the music room today.  I hope we just do a study hall rather than play guitars or flutes.  I will have to wait and see when I get there as to what my state of being will be when I am done with the duty.

Thanks for stopping by.........we do have warm weather predicted in a few days.


  1. Hope you get that expected warm weather. I know I have often commented on the fact that we seem to get very similar weather patterns, but this must be the exception : the weather over here has been glorious for the last couple of weeks.

  2. As warm as GA has been, our temp dropped about 20 degrees after our last rain. I sure hope you get some warmer temps soon, Larry. That's a very pretty tree. I had not heard of it before. I have an image of you holding your ears while the kids are strumming on their guitars!!!

  3. I love the blooms. Those trees don't look very old. Did you and Della plant them?

  4. The tree is about 7 years old. My father in law moved in with us in 2002 and I think the next year he was out there watching me put it into the ground. The previous owner burned his trash there and I remember all the broken glass and metal that came up from the hole as I dug it.
