Friday, May 6, 2011

Woodward Depot and all its parts.........

The ones who selected the different fixtures and colors really did a nice job in their choices.  I was impressed with the vintage looking lights and the subtle colors on the wainscoting.  Windows too were replaced to help to add the feel of an old depot.

Thanks for stopping by..........and this is the last of the depot story.


  1. Yes the colours are fantastic. It has such a neat look to it.

  2. Hi Larry, well I had much to catch up on as far as blog reading. I enjoyed the Woodward Depot series - nice restoration work. The tulips were lovely and you had many more than myself, only 2 bloomed, so maybe others are just late. I have a couple of iris in bloom and our wildflower garden is showing new blooms weekly. We used to do craft shows for photography and wood turning, still do an occasional indoor one only. Even when sales were not good we always had fun talking with other artists.
