Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday's viewing........

Years ago I planted grape hyacinths out in the orchard area.  These use to be growning under a pine tree.  The tornado snapped the tree off five years ago so now they just come up in the grass area unhindered from the shade of a tree.

This is a growth report on the hosta's  I have planted new ones in other areas around the fish pond and I was pleased and surprised to see them.  I am good about transplanting and forgetting what I have done.  It is really a great thing for the feeble and old to have surprises once in a while.

Color of this tulip is so subtle and so rich.  My neighbor lady told me once that tulips sometime revert back to yellow and I think that this is one of them.

We are headed to Osceola today to mow the lawn down there and do some more throwing away of things in the garage.  The weather is so much warmer down there so I expect it to be warm for mowing. I will dress accordingly.  School subbing has kept me from making as many trips down there as I need to do to finish up down there but school will be out soon.  I don't think I will sub for janitors during the summer even though it is a possibility.

Thanks for stopping by........going back to work makes me appreciate the weekends again.
Everyone take care.


  1. It's nice to see color in your garden again, Larry. I also like your Spring coffee cup. Don't work too hard in Osceola. In helping my brother to downsize, we sure went through and threw out a lot in the last few weeks. Wishing you and Della a very nice weekend.

  2. Oh yes, weekends are precious. We've had a series of long weekends, what with Easter and Bank Holidays and the Royal Wedding. Going back to a 2 day weekend this week was hard.

    Your grape hyacinths are beautiful. And they have such a sweet smell. Not that I can smell yours, but you know what I mean!

  3. I noticed some red spots on the tulip..I think reds and yellows sometimes get all mixed up. She is a beauty:)
