Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Bud and a Bloom...........

This is the rose that I moved from my parent's place to ours just two years ago.  It is a weathered bloom as the wind and the rain that hit Monday was unbelievable.  It was definitely a successful transplant.


  1. That's such a pretty rose, Larry, and I know it is very special to you.
    Many of our neighboring counties received heavy rain over the weekend but not a drop here.
    Hope you and Della have a nice day. I look forward to seeing a photo of your rhubarb cobbler!

  2. It is nice to see this one blooming this year..last year it only had one bloom..I was kinda worried that I told you to put it in the ground too late..but it is blooming already this year so it must be over being transplanted!! It is beautiful and I know it is a special rose for you:)
