Monday, June 13, 2011

Cat and columbine.......

The columbine have stayed in bloom so long that they collected cob webs.  The colors of these flowers  and the shape of them makes these blooms one of my favorites.

Yellow Kitty continues to demand a quality life style.  If it is warm and nice she gets to leave the basement first thing in the morning and goes outside to live on the porch.  She wanders around a little but stays pretty much close or on the porch.  When it is raining, she will stay upstairs in the bathroom and sleep in front of the window.  She is such an old thing but she purrs every single time we pick her up and meows loudly night or day when she wants some more food.

Monday is here and things must be done, deadlines and chores are always awaiting in line to be done.  Thanks for stopping by......


  1. Good Morning Larry. That's a unique color combination on the columbine - I really like it.

    Sweet picture of Yellow Kitty. That sunshine must feel very good to her when she's on the porch. I have always loved cats and enjoy their purring.

  2. Yes, the columbine are beautiful with their peach color and hanging blooms. And the cat photo made me want to pick it up and pet it! LOL

    Hope your week is going well, Larry!
