Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The dog days of summer.........

Barney really does like to lay in front of the air conditioning vent and just let the cats outside take care of themselves.  He can still bark at trucks from the window or the little girls riding their bicycles on our sidewalk. 

Thanks for stopping by.....


  1. What a sweet picture of Barney soaking up the cool air. Sounds like he has the right idea to "patrol" passersby from indoors!

  2. Barney is a very good looking guy! He has the right idea, eat relax and bark

    bonks to all of you

  3. This is definitely a smart dog, Larry.

  4. What a sweet-looking pup! He obviously is doing what he does best, and what he enjoys most. I love dogs for that exact reason.

    Nice picture, Larry.
