Wednesday, June 22, 2011


My first bloom of this Asiatic lily is pictured above.  It really is orange but my camera doesn't see it that way.

Here is another view of my wooded buddy.  He does have large eyes and a big nose.

The rains are sure messing with this clematis, but it does just keep blooming.  As you can see we had sunshine on Tuesday for part of the day.  I mowed my yard on Monday with the push mower as my rider mower is on strike.  I mowed again my parents yard between the rain threats on Tuesday.  It is a great way to get sore muscles and hopefully lose some body fat.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that my cousin Jim and his wife live in Sierra Vista, Arizona.  They have been displaced from their house for a few days now and really are waiting to see what their future will be.  Jim's was a classmate of mine all through school and his mother and my dad were first cousins.  Also Jim's son and wife and grandchildren live next door to them so both families are in danger.  The one side of the group of mountains have all burned off and if the winds keep down they may be able to save their homes by it not moving to the other side of those mountains.  

Thanks for stopping by..............


  1. Sorry to hear about your cousin, I hope their homes are spared. The weather is wacky all over..I swear it was that earthquake that changed the earths axis. North Dakota is flooding..and we have rain again and it was barely 55 degrees today. I am looking for summer and it has not arrived yet here in Minnesota:(

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin too, Larry. Those AZ wildfires have gotten so out of control, and I know many folks have been displaced.

    Will be keeping both families in our prayers this week. :-)
