Thursday, June 23, 2011

Empty chairs at empty table.......

It is too cold, or too wet, or there are too many biting insects to contend with on the patio, so the chairs remained unused.

Empty Chairs at Empty Tables is  actually a very sad and serious song from Les Mersirbles.  The song lyrics are expressive of loosing so many friends in the French Revolution.  Marius the character survived his battle wounds and most all did not.  Once you hear the song it sticks in your mind.

Youtube song of Empty Chairs......

On a brighter note, we will be hot again and the town will spray for bugs and sometime in July we will be able to return to our patio.

Have a good day, the sun is shinning right now and thanks for stopping in............

1 comment:

  1. Our bugs have been bad here in lower MI too lately.

    Your town sprays for bugs, and that helps at your place? That is really wonderful. I wish they'd do that around here.

    We don't use our deck as much as we'd like because of the mosquitoes and wasps. But it sounds like you'll be getting back out onto yours soon, and that's super!
