Thursday, June 2, 2011

Seeing pink on Thursday...........

We have a good chance of rain again today.  I had just decided I wouldn't mow my yard as often to save gas and money, but the rains just keep coming.  I use to mow every two weeks because I was just too busy to get it done as a full time teacher.  I am now doing it once a week but I thought I might just make it every nine days no matter what.

Have a great day, Friday is coming and may good things come your way.............


  1. Pretty pink blooms, Larry! Our high was 101 and the shrubs are wilted and the grass is dying.

  2. You could always leave it to grow and have a trendy wildflower lawn!

  3. Beautiful flowers! All three are ahead of mine, hopefully we'll see some blooms if it ever warms up. We've been having lots of rain here too.

  4. Your flowers are blooming nicely! Love the pink colors, Larry. Hope you're able to slow down enough to enjoy some down time at home too. :-)
