Sunday, June 26, 2011


The daylily puts our a sculptural from that is almost abstract in style. The color is striking and contrasts with the very green background.

We spent seven hours at a wedding Saturday.  It was a lot of fun and it was good to see old friends. There must have been over 400 people maybe even more at the event.  The food was great and the cake was remarkable.  The couple are wonderful kids and we wish them well.

Our wedding many years ago only lasted an hour and a half with the cake and punch afterward.  Weddings have sure changed the past twenty years in the kind of event that follows.  We didn't stay for the dancing or I wouldn't be awake now to write this blog.

We are headed for the indoor version of the art shows that takes place at the fairgrounds.  After church and Sunday school we will head down to see 140 different displays by artist.  It actually is suppose to warm up today.

Des Moines is not a part of the flooding this year as the engineers figured out how to dump the water through the dam during a long period of time rather than wait until it gets to full. You can't play catchup like they thought they could do in the Dakotas.

The Missouri river has been a small river for years, almost insignificant, because of the damming of the  river in the Dakotas.  Now that they got greedy holding back the water for recreation and for selling water to Nebraska and other states, and the large snow melt was so great with rain, they created a  problem that is affecting thousands of people and taking peoples lives.

We have minor flooding here in the center of Iowa in comparison to the Mississippi and Missouri.  We live in the land between two rivers.

Thanks for stopping by............


  1. Beautiful You are right in that they often look like works of art, but only for a single day. We have quite a few in bloom now.

  2. When we tmaper with rivers it never seems to end well.

  3. Love the colors of that flower. And I'm SO glad to hear you guys aren't having flooding problems. I'd been wondering about that. It's a shame that man's greed makes such a mess of mother nature!!!
