Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday's moments.......

The bean field across the street is looking too weedy to allow us to see rows.  If you remember it was planted in alfalfa and that was doing badly, so the removed it with a large disc and then planted soybeans.

The alfalfa that didn't get removed is growing up again and you can see it's purple blooms.

The soybeans will eventually grow taller than the hay.  A soybean plant can grow to almost twenty inches high if not higher.

I am certain that a chemical treatment will be applied to take out the broadleaf  weeds and alfalfa. They do that by tractor and sprayer, or they use an airplane.

The Stella O Dora (Stella d'oro) and the fly are shown above.  The rains keep the flowers  ruined most of the time but this week it is suppose to become a hot and dry week.

Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. Love your version of the is a much cooler name! Nice photos! :)

  2. Ok, I will look up how to spell it correctly!!! Stella d'oro. The mind is the first to go right, right, what ok.

  3. I love the photo of the bean field across the street from your house. I think farmland, sprinkled with cute, quaint farmhouses and thick border lines of beautiful trees, is some of the most beautiful property the eyes can see. Your yellow flower (fly included) is beautiful too!
