Thursday, June 9, 2011


You have to have a pretty classy shed to have a fancy light fixture. Not really, but I do have one. It is one that I removed from my parents home.  It hung in the middle of the living room and most people hit their head on it.  I thought the house would sell better with a little less of it instead of more. It should have been  hung over the dining room table but I guess my mom just wanted to look at it.

This is an older iris variety that I have in the garden.  It came from the neighbor's and it bloomed this year for me for the first time. It is a flower with subtle colors with cream colors and lavender falls.

I brought this peony bud from the heat. It really enjoyed the drink of water and started to open  with great color and shape.

Thunderstorms are hitting this morning and I have outside work to do in southern Iowa.  It may rain again tomorrow so I am waiting to make a decision on which day to go.  It is an hour drive down so I have to make my time worth while when I am down there.

Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. We have an old chandelier at the top of our 2nd story stairs, and if Tom ever decides to replace it, I'll have to suggest he hang it in his shed! LOL

    Your flower photos are lovely, as always, Larry.

    Have a great week!

  2. I remember my dad having his parents' chandelier hanging in his garage for many years.
    That iris sure is pretty. I also love the peony bloom.
    We had thunder around suppertime tonight but no rain. Looks like I'll be watering the shrubbery tomorrow. Have a safe trip south.

  3. I enjoy each one of your posts so much and the photos are lovely!
