Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday's day of many words..............

This is an area that I am starting to give more attention.  I take an area each year and try to bring it up to par in comparison to what I see on the blog.  I split up a crowded hosta this morning and made three new plantings around the old water fountain.  I have cut out the young tree saplings and the creeping charlie is going to be almost gone.  This is more like a before picture than one that I want to brag about to you.  I have a new climbing rose that is starting to bloom behind the fountain.

It became too hot for me to stay outside but I did get these transplanted and I also was able to establish my zinnia garden this morning.  I also moved some iris to a more sunny location and planted some gift starts for my neighbor lady along with some of my free zinnia seed.

I have the magenta or redish colored spiderwort but it is struggling in it's location.  I think it is too hot now to move it so I will trim back the hosta and phlox that are crowding it.

Lastly, I want to share this subdued photo of a mock orange bush.  It is a very old plant and I really hate to trim it back. A neighbor did his and it died.  I will try to thin out the dead wood in it and see if that will help it.  The bush was large and old when I bought the property thirty five years ago.  I guess I should start a new one somewhere and let it get establish.

I did finally make a decision as to where to plant my two spouts of reddish colored lilac bush.  It is hard to place them just anywhere as they do become a large bush.  I decided to put them at the far southeast corner of our patio so that it could help to shade the patio area and give it more privacy.

Thank you for stopping by,,,,,,,I know summer is busy for everyone and if I don't get comments posted, I am still trying to keep up with the viewing of your blogs.


  1. Good morning L.D. ~ I love that old fountain, and once things get used to being thinned and in their new locations they will do just great.

    It sounds like you've got plans to accomplish now that summer is here. Enjoy, but don't work outside in the heat very long.


  2. The garden is looking well !
    I have spider wort too, but in a shade of blue, it's planted in the shade, and does wonderfully there.
    I've never seen a mock orange bush, it's absolutely gorgeous, I can understand your concerns of cutting it back.
    It's another HOT day as with most of the country, I'm ready for Fall :)

  3. I am trying to keep up too..late at night or in the morning..It is fun to see all your blooms! :)

  4. so that's what you did with the red lilac, I wondered what happened to it.

  5. Yes, the lilac was planted in a clay pot until I could decide where to plant it.

  6. Mom put the sick doggie wood tree in a pot in the front yard. It was almost dead L-( I think it will live now but might need attention all summer.
    Your garden is just wonderful
    Our backyard is too hot for people to sit: full sun! mom and dad usually sit in the front yard on their chairs, and Miles an I watch from the window

    bonks to you and Missie Della too

  7. What a great idea to take one area of your hard each year and work to improve it, Larry. We should try something like that at our house.

    I love the color of the spiderwort flowers. Hopefully, if you give it more room it will grow much better.

    The mock orange bush is beautiful too. Hard to believe that bush has been around for as long as you've owned the house. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that if you thin it out, it will continue to live and thrive!

    Have a nice week!
