Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Abandoned farmsteads...........

While traveling in the country last week I couldn't help but notice this group of trees.  There was evidence of a farmhouse only because of the arrangement of the trees.  Also sometimes the owners plant one special tree, a big pine like the one you see here in the center.

A photo of a lone garage with a catalpa tree beside it.  I remember on this farm site when the windmill stood to the back of this tree.

A lone barn with many openings created from boards falling away from the structure.  The barn door at the peak must be gone as the opening  can be seen but no door is in sight.

Thanks for stopping by...........have a good Tuesday.


  1. I really like these photos, Larry. Have a great week!

  2. Those old abandoned homesteads are beautiful but sad. Thanks for sharing.


  3. I enjoy looking at old farmsteads too. Sometimes I can recall the building how they used to be..That last photo of the barn is very good..you should paint that one! :)

  4. I love old barns. If you stand still and focus on them a bit, you can almost picture the animals in it and the activity of the people on the farm.

    Really nice, Larry. Thanks for sharing!
