Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The cat comes back and look who is with her.......

Our ferel cat is back now.  She looks like she is trying to wean her kittens.  She has been coming back to get good food and this morning my wife looked out and she was there with a baby kitten that  looked just like her.  It was a the same coloring as her.  Then when I was looking out with my camera this little tike was looking back at me.  It looks like a gray tiger stripe.

We have been feeding the mother cat canned food to get her health back, but we feed softened dry food for the kittens.  They seem to like it a lot.   We have yet to see the other two kittens as yes,  she did have four,  my neighbor said when she was in his garage.

I have been doing  heavy work down at the farm,  sorting tires and metal scraps for salvage companies.  It is hot, humid and tiring work.  I am having sort of a day off today, yet will be framing things all day.

Thanks for stopping by............yes I did close the frame shop and no the didn't stop coming. They still are bringing things in to be framed.


  1. Lovely cats ! Thank you, Larry.

  2. Sounds like you deserve your day off Larry. Good to be catching up with all my Blogger friends again.

  3. Good Morning Larry, You know I love the cat pictures! It's nice to see them enjoying the food. I hope things are going smoothly on the sale of the house. I know you will be able to "relax" a little once that is behind you. Selling a home is hard work, for sure.

  4. The little kitten is cute. We have four feline girls that were born to feral mothers. Two girls are sisters, another one came a year later, and another one the year after that. We've had them all fixed, and we don't want anymore. 4 is plenty.

    You must be a good picture framer to have them keep coming even after you've closed shop.

    Have a nice day ~ FlowerLady

  5. Oh my she is bringing the babies out..and it is a cutie too! Good to keep busy..but maybe you need to say No to some of the frame customers..either that or charge them more:)

  6. Awwwww, what an adorable little kitten! I love how she seems to be looking at the camera in that first shot.

    It's so nice that you & Della are kind enough people to put food out for these cats. You're animal lovers at heart!

    Don't work too hard, Larry. :-)
