Monday, July 25, 2011

Come visit my garden......

Those of you who follow me are familiar with this setting off my west side of the patio.   The path is almost blocked off as the phlox have leaned into it.  I can step through the tunnel and not disturb too many of the plants.  My weedeater of course helped me pick a small bouquet of phlox as I kept getting to close to them as I trimmed the grass from around them.  The agapanthus in the pot looks like it will not bloom again this year.  I may divide it into four plants next spring and see if that will help it.

My side porch area is not too impressive but here it is.  I have a very large juniper evergreen behind all of this and I think it is going to have to come out.  It is too big to prune back and it really is too large to allow flowers to grow.

I did finally get my gate painted blue again after the repair.  Unfortunately I don't think it is good as new but it will do for now.  I do say that it is good and blue. I did get this area cleaned up and some of these days surprise lilies will be popping up out of the ground.

I like this planting as it reminds me of what what we have growing along the roadsides on our highways.  The natural prairie is the inspiration with lots of coneflowers, blackeyed susans, and queen's Anne lace. I guess I need to go dig a little lace and bring it into town.

This area is near my orchard area and it looks toward the road.  I didn't think the hollyhocks were going to do well this year but the red and white ones did pull through.  I don't  have the pink ones anymore.

Our temperatures have lowered but with that the humidity has risen.  It was 75 degrees Sunday morning with 85 percent humidity.  It wasn't fun to be outside as the moisture in the air took one's breath away, just like the heat had for the past six days.   As the heat has moved out east I see it is making the news now.  I hope everyone can stay safe inside and that it will soon pass. 

Our son and his wife from Maine will be driving through later this week and I know they even received some of this heat up there.  They are near Bar Harbor so it should have been warm.

Thanks for stopping in and checking out my sight.  Take and all.


  1. Your lovely gardens are a welcome treat this morning. I love the almost hidden path heading away from your patio. Your blue gate is always a favorite of mine to see.

    Enjoy your son and DIL's visit.


  2. your garden looks great - i'm glad everything came back for you after the winter you had.
