Tuesday, July 26, 2011

White and light........

Flowers with pale colors can be powerful too.  I like bold colors but the accent colors on a white flower can be just as striking and impressive as they boldly contrast to white.

I was surprised to find that I had white hollyhocks as I didn't think that I had very many survive my neighbor's weed spraying.  The small pinkish rose doesn't last very long as you can see the two fading blooms along with the newer bloom to the right.  The light colored daylily is so striking and reminds me of the regale lilies that I have blooming earlier this month.

I survived being in the heat this morning after a light rain.  I was able to mow the orchard area and start to eradicate some of my stray mulberry trees in the alley way.  I have a lot of work to do out by my garden shed.  I have not been able to maintain or even keep up with the alley area but maybe by fall I will have a lot of it cleared and under control.

Thanks for stopping by............and keep cool out there.

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