Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday's findings.............

This is my Grandmother's regale lily that she had growing at her house in Murray, Iowa.  It is a shared bulb here that is now in Osceola, Iowa next to my parents garage.  I had taken a lot of the bulbs up and put them in my garden but now the remaining ones will be there for the new owners of the house.  A young nice family with two kids.

My wife's cousin Jeanne just got a new Fox Terrier. She lives in another town not far from where we live.  The neighbor's to our south bought a Terrier a year ago, I think it is a Jack Russell Terrier.   The  neighbor lady across the street from them already had a rescued Terrier, in which that dog looks and acts like a Jack Russell. 

This little girl dog pictured above is the newest addition to the neighborhood.  It too is a Terrier and that young family who have one small boy just picked this dog up at a rescue shelter. The neighbor's to our north just brought home a few months ago a new dog that is, you guessed it,  a Terrier and a Healer mix.  It has the strangest sounds that come from it's mouth.  It does bark but it wines very strangely.

No, we are not getting a new Terrier dog.  Our two dogs keep us very busy.

Here is just one more picture of my purple clematis.  It's color is so deep and rich this year and the hot weather, very hot weather, doesn't seem to bother it.  We are having tomato growing weather and corn and bean growing weather.  The temps are soaring and the humidity can be cut with a knife. Thursday night at one in the morning it was still 80 degrees. It was to be the coolest today at seven this morning.

Lots of things going on in our household right now and I will share more as things continue to finalize.  My lack of a tooth, the socket is almost healed, and I have a truck full of stuff to get to the landfill today is just a couple of the things going on around here.  The truck is not air conditioned so I will have to leave in the early morning to dump the load and get back home before it gets too hot.  I also have half of yard not mowed and I don't know if I will get that done with the heat as it is.

My trips to Osceola are now numbered and things will finalize in the next couple of weeks.  I won't share much about it until I know that everything is a done deal.  I won't have to mow an extra yard anymore and lots of other things that we both were doing.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Larry, Your grandmother's regale lily is so pretty. What a beautiful photo you captured. How very special for you to have this growing in your yard and I know the new owners of your parents' home will cherish the bulbs you left there also. I pray that the sale goes smoothly.

  2. Ooooooo, those flowers are gorgeous, Larry..and I love your snake header too. LOL

  3. By great coincidence I've just been watching the French news on TV, and in the world weather forecast they mentioned the extreme humidity in Iowa!
    It must be so tiring.

  4. Hi sold the house..fantastic..what a relief for you. We have watched your progress with the house and yours travels back and forth mowing and caring for the lawn. I hope it all goes well and closes with no problems:)

  5. So glad to hear your parent's house sold and that a nice, young family bought it. Will be praying that everything goes thru with that transaction. How nice that you won't have to take care of 2 homes now!!! You'll have so much extra time in your hands now that you won't know what to do with it! (NOT!) LOL

    Funny you should mention terriers because Tom & I have been thinking that when our current dog, Miss Becky, passes away (she's 12 now and starting to have many issues), we'll probably get a Toy Fox Terrier. Neither of us has ever owned a small dog before, so this will be quite a change, and we're hoping we can adjust to small dog ownership.

    Love the deep purple clematis color! Just gorgeous! And glad to hear your tooth socket is healing nicely.

    We've been having high humidity issues here too over the past week, so I can relate. Hope you & Della have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!
