Thursday, June 30, 2011

Backyard views......

The plants are filling in nicely creating a great carpet of foliage.

I need to replace the panel of wood that was not weatherproof material.  I had used it as a quick fix to get the gate done and now I need to go back and rebuild it with treated plywood.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Good Morning, Larry. These are just gorgeous garden pictures. So nice to see colors after such a long snowy winter!

  2. I love your back yard. It looks lush and filled with wonderful foliage and colorful flowers. I always enjoy seeing your blue gate.

    Happy Gate Restoring and Gardening,


  3. Yes you need to fix our favorite gate on the internet! It always show up so well and is so cheerful:)

  4. I still love that robin egg blue gate. Your hostas are HUGE and I love the lillies. Only our lemon lillies have bloomed so far, but the rest have buds here now.

  5. Your yard is really beautiful, Larry! And the gate adds a special touch, especially its color!
