Sunday, July 31, 2011


Bar Harbor, Maine

Our son Aaron and  his wife Keegan have been here for a couple of days for a visit.  They are taking a driving tour and will end up in Grand Rapids, Minnesota at a lake for a few days before driving back home.

The above photo was taken two years ago on their wedding day.  It was a rainy morning but turned into a great sunny day.

It was good to see them and they are doing well.  We ate out at our local cafe the first night and also at The Machine Shed in Des Moines on Saturday.

It was a fun two days and Keegan had a good time exploring this Iowa prairie with all the fields of corn and beans.  They took a few things of Aaron's back with them to take to their home in Lamoine, Maine.  A quilt, bike, sweet corn, toys, and his saxophone were a few of the items.

Thanks for stopping by this Sunday and have a good day...........another scorcher of a day for us today.


  1. Nice to see your son and DIL. Wishing each of you a blessed Sunday.

  2. Larry, family visits are great. We are on our oen road trip through New England to visit family and new granddaughter in RI. Glad you had a wonderful time, except for the heat.
