Monday, August 1, 2011

It's the heat, or maybe it's the humidity.......

Whatever it is, Superman is just going to take a break from it all.  His owner was here for a couple of days but he forgot to take him with him back to Maine.  I may have to send him out by air mail.

Aaron did take some of his Hot Wheels back with him and also his saxophone.  He played his horn, just to see how it had held up and Barney headed for the hills.  Barney didn't know what it was but he sure didn't like it. He has a lot of fears and apparently the sax has a sound that  he just doesn't think to be too pleasant.  Barney and Button both liked having our company here and I do think that they remembered him from a few years back.  They loved his wife Keegan and it is good that she is a dog lover.

Thanks for stopping by and stay in out of the heat.


  1. I remember Superman and the pic you took of him in a glass vase - the photo made it look like he was flying!

    I'm glad your son and DIL could visit and it's nice that Barney and Button approved!

  2. Don't be silly Larry, you don't need to air mail it. Just launch him into the air and he will find his own way home.

  3. Poor dogs, they must wonder why on earth we insist on playing musical instruments!

  4. So nice to have the kids visit! It always seems so quiet here after they leave. I hope you had a great visit! :)
