Monday, August 29, 2011

Another Addition to my Junk Jars.......

This is one of my more unusual finds and I am not sure what would have been sold in this jar. I am soaking it as it was full of moss and mold. I need to find an old brush that will fit inside of it.  I have a few others that were puzzling as to what they contained and I will post some more on another blog.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my junk.............


  1. I love the blue glass especially. But that big ribbed globe's a beauty too!

  2. Is that last one a perfume bottle? Nice looking collection! :)

  3. What is it about old glass that fascinates us? I do the same thing and have several interesting specimens - now just what to do with them is the next question. I'm thinking about putting up an outdoor shelf, on the front of my garden shed, just under the eaves, so they would be somewhat protected from the elements but visible for me to enjoy.

    What are your plans with these?

  4. Some people collect stuff, some people don't. Our mom collects stuff.
    Your bottle collection is really facinating.
    I would think the ribbie one could be possibly a container that originally held kitty crunchies... well, it could.

    bonks to you Mr. Larry

  5. Larry, do you wash out the old jars and put them on a display shelf? I think the light shining through the colored glass would create some interesting patterns and images. I enjoyed the Sunday shapes. Yes we were OK here on the VA eastern shore with only some downed tree branches and no damages from the unwelcome visitor, Irene.
