Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday's whatever...........

A two inch rain on Tuesday gave the zinnias new life.  I am so glad I got my lazy body out there and planted this patch when I was at first going to abandoned the area all together.

The butterflies have really enjoyed feeding on all the blooms.

  I don't seem to write much anymore.  I guess I have lost my muchness as it is described in in the newest movie  Alice in Wonderland. I have a lot of things going on right now and I seem to be completely behind schedule.  For a retired person it seems that I lost control of my pace and control of my schedule.  I thought maybe life would get  a little less complicated the older that I become. 

Our weather has been acting like it was fall the past few days but we will be moving into a heat wave soon.  I will be subbing at school on a very hot day but that wing is air conditioned and I will wear a suit jacket to keep warm. I will be a social studies and government teacher with the upper classes of the high school.  I was an art teacher last week on Friday which seemed a little bit like what I did for thirty five years.

I wish all of those in the bad weather zones of the eastern coastline and those in Texas with their drought that things will straighten out soon.  I have lived through a tornado hit six years ago and I know that the hurricane has to be just as a shocker to normal life.  I hope things can be better even though I know it will take months and even years to get back what was lost.

Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. Your zinnia patch brings joy not only to you, and the flying critters, but to viewers as well.

    L.D. Just post when you feel like it. There are no set rules to blogging.

    Enjoy your full days.


  2. You have to keep writing - I just discovered your blog, and thoroughly enjoy it.

    We sound like we are cut from the same cloth. I am a supply teacher too (unfortunately it is my sole income for now - no contracts anywhere in Ontario). My wife and I both dabble in art, and I am a gardening enthusiast. (Musical Gardener blog)

  3. I hope you find your muchness..I think mine might be fading too. I love your Zinnia patch, of course it was worthwhile to plant it..those Zinnias are the best bloomers!
    Busy, busy don't I know it, I am so far behind I will never catch up:(
