Sunday, August 14, 2011

A colorful day............

Red,  I have been photographing this geranium ever since I started blogging a few years back.  I have kept it alive through two winters now. It has this bloom hanging out in the way so it can be seen but it really is in the way when you walk by it.

Red and green,  I have moved this plant into the sunshine from underneath an tree that overtook it's territory. It loves it's new spot and I should have more rhubarb to eat.

White, a blurry begonia that is struggling in with the pot full of geraniums.  It wintered over also but maybe I will find it a pot of it's own.

White and furry, Button is my ever present companion while I am out taking photos.  He is a gentle spirit that watches and waits on me even when he can't understand what I am doing. He and his brother have had their vet visit and they are vaccinated for another year.  The vet says Button is 13 years old but in great health.

Blue, a flowering water weed that seems to redeem itself by sharing it's little blue flower as it invades the garden.  It is easy to pull and not as irritating as creeping Charlie.

As you can see this has been a red, white and blue day with a little green on the side.

Thanks for stopping by.............


  1. Hooray for the red, white and blue! A lovely way to look at these colors. Button is as cute as one :)
    ☼ Sunny
    Sorry I've not been around much lately.

  2. Colorful post, Larry, and Button certainly fit right in with the flowers. And, you're welcome for the butterfly ID; thanks for the mention. This site is a good one with lots of photos . . .
