Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday's start of the week......

This is my reflective composition with my koi floating just below the surface.  The water is very clear and yet he is blurred by all the glare of the bright sky.

This is an ornamental egg plant that puts out little yellow egg shaped fruit.  I didn't get them started soon enough so it will be a challenge to see if I can get even just one egg.  It is just now starting to bloom.

My roses have not done well this year.  I do get some nice close shots of buds but this rose should have dozens of blooms on it instead of one or two.  I will  fertilize some more for maybe more blooms for next year.

Monday means it is back to work.  We need more days off don't we, but I guess having one day off is good.  Thanks for stopping by..........

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