Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday's flowers........

This white zinna is so striking among all the other colors of flowers.

My unknown named rose that is so great for one day, then it fades to white.  It has two more buds on it and I really do like it.  It is a survivor in my back yard as I don't think it is getting enough sun.

The dinner plate hibiscus is fun to watch in it's blooming behaviors.  It took all day for this bloom to unfold and spread out.  It will stay out for one more day, then shrivel up and then it will fall to the ground.

My final Friday flower is this petunia that is of the Wave series.  It has not done well in the planter for me.  I lost most of the plants but the one that is growing here is doing well.  I set it out into the rain yesterday to flood it with some rain water.

It was a hard working week this week and I hope to get a little rest this weekend.  I have a lot of things that seem to be pending and I just keep chipping away on the to do list.  I am hoping for some mental rest as well as some physical rest this weekend.  I hope your Friday is a good one and that your weekend will be grand.

Thanks for looking in.........


  1. You have some lively blooms in the yard, Larry. A lot of ours that were potted died when we were away in RI for 2 weeks visiting our new granddaughter, but these were only annuals and would have soon anyway. Hope you get time to rest and relax over the weekend.

  2. you sound tired..perhaps it is going around as I am exhausted too. I won't even talk about my list. Your flowers are beautiful:)
