Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stuff on Saturday.......

My grandmother had Fire King dishes as her best dishes.  This mug is a Fire King mug that I found in the dirt among the trash of a garage. It actually was an inexpensive glass product that people could afford.  I am certain they sold the products at dime stores or hardware store. I remember when my parents  had a couple of the orange brown colored mugs.  They are small compared to modern mugs.  It is fun to have just a small piece of history.

The surprise lilies are almost at the end of their season.  I think I will dig a few and spread them out as they do multiply and there is a large stand in this one location.

I mowed today and I should  have had the grass catcher on the mower.  It has been such a good grass season that as I mow I keep bringing up all the grass from past mowings.  It looks like I need to bale hay.   I will just have to take longer next time and use the bagger.  It takes so long to do that as you have to keep emptying the bag.  I mulch everything with  the loose grass and it is good to do that.

I have framing to do today as I bought new supplies yesterday to accomplish the task.  Mat boards were on half price at Hobby Lobby and one can not miss that sale when they want eight dollars a sheet for mat board normal price.  We spent some quality time at the bookstore yesterday also.  We needed to get out of the house for a while as tasks can get to be too stressful after a while.  You have to play hooky once in a while. 

Thanks for stopping by........everyone please take care.

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